Welcome to Gather Here

This website is currently under construction.

Our Goal

We aim to create an online platform that will match small groups of people by their location and their interests, and support them in planning Gatherings (In Real Life Meetings) supported and stimulated by material from our Library that is relevant to their interests.

We want to help people find meaning, structure, and community.

Our Dreams

Our dreams are primarily, to:

And secondarily, to:

Our Motivations

In our age of global wealth and interdependence, we are deprived of human connection.

We describe our modern technology as something that connects us, when in many ways it drives us apart. It overwhelms us with information that has been unbound from context and nuance. It gives us many ways to communicate quickly across great distances, driving us to spend less time together physically. It wastes eons of our collective time by distracting us with advertising, untruth, rage, fear, and bottomless pits of content that makes us feel bad about ourselves.

We hope to harness the connecting power of internet platforms to enable real-life, in-person human connection.

We are currently developing our platform exclusively with volunteers in a number of countries. If you wish to get in contact please email us at:


Gather Here is a not-for-profit registered in the UK as a Community Interest Company 793191